6 January 2010

Typography for Sustainability Research

Happy New Year to Yin an' A' from snowed-in Broxburn, ten miles east of Edinburgh.

I'm now starting to get my head around my staff part of this project. You've seen the imovies... now for the Research Report.
Some of you have been brave enough to put your work up here for all to see... but many of you, disappointingly haven't.
As part of my research into Typography for Sustainability I need ALL of your font designs and the application of them to banners and posters to be included. I will also need the best of photographs of found typography which you have safely stored in your sketchbooks and on pen drives.

I'll be requesting soon that you send me all. In reality it is probably best that they are all stored in a central digital folder for me to collect (as collections will be too big to send via email). A good alternative would be to put ALL up here on the blog!

BE WARNED! I'm like a dog with a bone and won't stop until I get what I need from you. I'm very excited about discussing and showing all of your great works to the UKIERI Team through an academic research paper. Let's blind them with creativity!